Flourish By Design
Get rid of Exhaustion and Bloom as you were designed to
By Bliss of Balance
Welcome to the next 3 months of your life

Calling All Women!!!
You have BIG goals for your life whether that's taking care of your family, starting a business, or getting your degree.
You have a big heart and take care of those around you.
Your life and happiness is found in the beauty of your everyday life.
But, lately (or maybe longer)...
...you don't seem to have the energy you used to. Sleep is a thing of the past. You go to sleep exhausted, and you wake up exhausted, even when you get 8 hours of sleep and sleep in on the weekends.
Workouts and adventures that used to leave you feeling energized now leave you feeling drained and recovering for days (or even weeks).
You can't keep up with your children, spouse, or friends and you're finding yourself spending more and more wishing you were in bed in the middle of the day rather than enjoying your life.
You have lost your zest for life.

Truth is ...
...it feels like you're on an endless hamster wheel of exhaustion and no healthy food or exercise seems to make much of a difference.
There MUST be another way!
And if something doesn't change? You worry you'll miss out on all that life has for you or the life you've been dreaming of.
What if...you were able to wake up feeling rested, energized and ready to start your day...
What if...you had as much energy as you wanted to go for a run, hike, bike or take that art class you've been wanting to take...
What if...you could get your sex drive back and build romance or a healthy sex life ...
....and no, you don't have to be on a restrictive diet, take a million supplements or move away to a secluded island in the middle of nowhere ( that would be nice though).
Health can be confusing. Every day there is a new 'perfect' diet that everyone 'should be' on or a new miracle supplement making big promises.
You've tried ALL. THE. THINGS. Healthy eating, supplements till you're blue in the face, or working out really hard to get the energy spike BUT crash a few hours later.
Sadly, our current environment is OUT OF THIS WORLD toxic and there are all kinds of hidden toxins that are harming our energy system.
If you're doing all the things and still feeling tired, it's time to take a deeper look and figure out what is REALLY going on!

What I wanted was to have vibrant, consistent energy so I could keep up with my FAMILY who deserved a present mother and wife.
But I had no idea how and after many doctor appointments they didn't know how either. I did what I should have done from the beginning...
I took my health into my own hands. I researched and studied and later got many certifications in many modalities.
After working with a health coach and getting myself back on track I started to notice my energy levels were back. Little by little.
Turns out I was extremely mineral deficient. I discovered what thousands of dollars spent on many doctor appointments allopathic and natural could not tell me.
I was interested in understanding "How did I get here?" and "How could I prevent from this happening again ?"
What I learned was that unless I changed my beliefs about myself and situations around me and my health things were going to go back to being the same.
There was no way I was letting that happen again... So I became a health coach.
Today, I run a flourishing Health Coaching practice that helps women get rid of exhaustion and get their energy back so they can flourish.
Hi I'm Natalie
I've walked in those shoes of yours, feeling the debilitating fatigue and the stress of wondering, "will I ever get better?" "Will things ever change?"
In 2017, I realized that no doctor could help me and that I needed to take matters into my own hands.
There are few programs out there for fatigue since most practitioners are confused about what causes it. The ones that do exist fail to seek the deeper root causes. If you want to heal your fatigue, WE need to identify the actual problem.
My program incorporates lab testing so we can discover your unique root cause (instead of guessing) and customize a plan based on actual data. This could be the last fatigue solution you will ever need.
I've been in your shoes! I've suffered from chronic fatigue, burn out and exhaustion and recovered
I've spent years studying the root causes of fatigue
I'm trained in many modalities so I will be able to investigate and help uncover your root cause
I'm 100% results-driven - I am deeply committed to your transformation
I'll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know and help you implement it
I care deeply for you, your struggle, and seeing you succeed

This work is designed to take you through a series of steps to start waking up your cells and to allow your body to work as it was designed to. Through these steps, we'll uncover many aspects of how exhaustion and burnout are not allowing you to flourish. With targeted testing, we uncover your unique root cause and develop your customized plan. From there, I'll move you through the following steps...

STEP 1: Know thy Self
We take a deep dive into the story of YOU. We go through your timeline and begin putting the pieces together. This allows us to see the picture of why you are constantly tired and where to begin our work. This is a critical step but rewarding.
To know thyself is the beginning of widom
STEP 2: The Emotion Trap...
Unresolved emotions, old memories, and anxiety about the future deplete energy levels and can be a hidden reason for fatigue, exhaustion, and burnout.
Many don't consider the effect that these things have on our bodies and don't give this area in their lives a second thought.
But I'm here to tell you that this could be the hidden reason why you are sick and tired.
The mind and body connection and working with these emotions and beliefs many times is the missing link to getting the results you want in your health.
I will walk you through this process throughout our time together.
STEP 3: Replenish
With results in hand, we begin to build a road map to continue moving you from Exhausted to Flourishing...
Just as a flower needs healthy soil to bloom, the body and cells need a healthy foundation with the right nutrients.
Here you will learn how to replenish your energy stores with the right nutrients.
STEP 4: Movement & Flow
Movement is vital to energy production...
But are you moving the right way for the phase in life you are in right now?
Did you know that the wrong kind of exercise could be causing you more harm than good and cause you to become even more exhausted?
We dive into these things AT THIS POINT for a reason.
STEP 5: Flourish
This is maintainable and when the kinks are all ironed out and you have a plan in place there is nothing left to do but Flourish. Here and throughout the whole process we dive into quick pick-me-ups that do not include coffee to keep you moving forward beyond your time working with me.
STEP 6: Fine Purning
As the gardener prunes away at a beautiful rose bush to strengthen the bush to bloom more fully and flourish like never before so too are you the garner of your own life.
As we close off our time together there is still work to be done. So we end with a bang. Now that we have energy and a bit of the fog has lifted we can see what can stay and what can go.
Be that old clothing, heavy metals, or even relationships. We talk about removing what doesn’t suit us any longer.
This 3 month group coaching program
HTMA and blood type kit
Detailed analysis
Personalized supplement suggestions
Eating and movement strategy
Tools for balance and relaxation
6 Audio educational modules
Weekly group coaching calls and check ins
Facebook Community
Companion workbook to along with the modules
Lifetime access to all material