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Unleashing Your Vitality with
Flourish by Design


Rebuilding your health from the foundation to transforming your stress and fatigue into vitality and flow- it's possible when you enroll in Flourish By Design 

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They Lied. 

There I've said it! Respectfully, it’s time to cut to the chase.


Following generic health regimens and fitting into a standard mold will not lead you to your dream of vibrant health and wellness.


Like you, I've worked with countless coaches, devoured dozens of health books, tried to piece together conflicting advice, and sacrificed weekends hoping to find answers at the latest wellness seminars.


Here’s what I’ve learned:

The truth is clear and transformative: if you want to become a master of your own health, work in harmony with your body, and achieve your bigger, bolder wellness goals, you need to uncover the potential of your own design—


And that my friend, is you!

Bigger, Bolder Wellness Goals, Taking Action... All While Honoring Your Natural Design?​

Yes, Please!


Here’s what happens when you unleash this potential with Flourish by Design:


Transform your daily routine into a powerhouse of wellness that's 100% you, making each day a celebration of your vitality.


Start a journey that considers you—it rejuvenates you and supports you as you chase your dreams of health and happiness.


Smash through your most ambitious health goals with the confidence and clarity that comes from knowing and working with your body’s natural rhythms.


Watch as your energy levels soar when you align your daily habits and nutritional choices with your body’s needs, leading to lasting health and wellness.

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Let's go behind the scene and I'll share how rebuilding my health from the foundation up changed everything...

Hey there!  I'm Natalie

It was 2017 when I was exhausted, frustrated and on the brink of burnout. I turned to traditional and alternative medicine for help. After many labs and testing I heard the dreaded "everything looks fine". The problem was I did not feel fine. I didn't know where else to turn. 

I tried many protocols, detoxes, and cleanses, and let's just say things did not get better. I tried many supplements and remedies because I thought that I would find the magic pill to help with all my ills, with no results.

It wasn't until I learned about how I needed to look at what was happening cellularly that it all made sense. I learned that whatever I was experiencing in the macro is also what was happening in the micro (cellularly), but this was just the beginning. I knew I needed to start rebuilding my foundation.

Years later I would find the last piece to the puzzle that was going to change it all for me... and that was learning that the mind had a huge impact on my health and it played a big role on my recovery. This is when things truly took a turn for the good and I was happy to have stumble across this. 

This transformation required a deeper look inwardly both physically and emotionally but once I started to build a healthy foundation and give my body what she was asking for that's when I began thriving like never before. 

This is why I'm so passionate about Flourish by Design, Unleash your Vitality and flow. I want you to experience the same breakthroughs and build a healthy foundation that is according to the way you were designed. The life you envisioned is waiting for you on the other side of this  

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Welcome to the New Era in Health & Wellness Education and Coaching

What you get inside of Flourish By Design : Unleash your Vitality and Flow

The Flourish By Design Framework 


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This program is designed to help you cultivate a lifestyle that is not only healthy but also deeply aligned with who you are. With Flourish by Design, you’ll gain the clarity, confidence, and actionable steps needed to fulfill your deepest health desires and create a vibrant, abundant life.

You're Closer to the Life You Envisioned than You Realize

Flourish By Design Fall Session  

When you sign up for Flourish By Design, you'll get:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis kit  with detialed analysis($450.00 Value): Learn what your cells are saying and understand what it is that your body needs. With this simple test unlock your patterns and have better understanding of how to properly nourish your body. 

Foundations to Flourishing ($350.00 Value): 10-part mini-series of what I wish women knew before women start on their healing journey. 

Six-60 minute coaching calls ($3000.00 Value): Meet every forthright for health coaching calls. 

Unlimited Direct Access for 12 weeks: ($ 6,000.00 Value) Access through text, email or voxer for the 12 weeks of the session during office hours.

 Total value = $9,800.00

Sign up today for $2997.00 

I hope you like surprises...

This wouldn't be a complete program with out education which is my passion...

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Over 27 audio teachings

6 modules with over 27 audio recordings for you to listen to on the go, that get dripped out to you weekly for you to dive deep into and begin to take your health back into your own hands.

Each audio recording is filled with insights for you to apply. Use your coaching calls to learned how to apply to your own person life. 

(Value $697.00) Included In Flourish by Design 

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Companion Guide book 

Companion guidebook to go along with the recorder lessons. 

Filled with infographics and diagrams for your quick reference.

(value $ 47.00) Included in Flourish by Design

are you ready for a Health foundation

Are you ready for a Healthy Foundation that will Unlock your Vitality and Flow ?

Flourish By Design Fall Session 

Let me break it down for you

✔️Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis kit  with detialed analysis($450.00 Value): Learn what your cells are saying and understand what it is that your body needs. With this simple test unlock your patterns and have better understanding of how to properly nourish your body. 

✔️Foundations to Flourishing ($350.00 Value): 10-part mini-series of what I wish women knew before women start on their healing journey. 

✔️Six-60 minute coaching calls ($3000.00 Value): Meet every forthright for health coaching calls. 

✔️Unlimited Direct Access for 12 weeks: ($ 6,000.00 Value) Access through text, email or voxer for the 12 weeks of the session during office hours.

✔️6 modules with over 27 audio recordings (value $697.00) Listen to on the go, that get dripped out to you weekly for you to dive deep into and begin to take your health back into your own hands 

✔️Companion guidebook (value $47.00):  Goes along with the recorder lessons. 

Filled with infographics and diagrams for your quick reference

 Total value = $10,544.00

This program IS for you if:

  • You're ready to build a healthy foundation that will last you a life time.

  • You've tried many things for your health but nothing has worked. 

  • You're ready to do the inner emotional work that may be keeping unwell.

  • You are ready to invest time and effort into yourself. 

  • You're ready to thrive and live in flow. 

  • You're ready to live a bigger and bolder life, just well nourished and well rested. 

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This program is NOT for you if:

  • You’re looking for a quick fix. You want immediate results without putting in the necessary work.

  • You’re not open to new approaches. You prefer sticking to traditional health methods without exploring new perspectives.

  • You’re unwilling to invest time in personal growth. You don’t see the value in addressing mindset issues.

  • You expect guaranteed success without effort. You’re not ready to commit to the process and put in the work required for real transformation.

I want to help you make the right decision...

If you have any questions or want to see if this program is a good fit for you please be sure to set up your free 30-minute Discovery Call above. I would love to chat with you to make sure that Flourish by Design is right for you.

  • What if I'm getting started on my health journey would Flourish by Design be a good fit for me?
    Absolutely! You don't have to D.I.Y. on your health journey. Getting guidance from the beginning can be the best thing on your journey.
  • Will I see results immediately?
    The rule of thumb is for every year you've been ill, it may take 1 month of recovery. There may be aspects that you may see results shortly after applying what you will learn. But ultimately healing takes time. Many times it's the habits and mindset that can be what takes a bit longer.
  • Is there a payment plan?
    Yes absolutely! At check out there is an option to do a 3 month payment plan.
  • Do you have office hours for the unlimited access to you?
    Yes, you can expect to have your questions to be answered within 24-48 hours depending on when you left your question. I'm available for none emergency question. If you have an emergency please call 911.
  • What is your fund policy?
    I get it, life happens. You can receive a refund for the services not rendered and material not used. Merchant refund fees apply.

If you've made it this far, you're ready for a Healthy Foundation that will Unlock your Vitality and Flow ?

Flourish By Design Fall Session 

Let me break it down for you once more

✔️Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis kit  with detialed analysis($450.00 Value): Learn what your cells are saying and understand what it is that your body needs. With this simple test unlock your patterns and have better understanding of how to properly nourish your body. 

✔️Foundations to Flourishing ($350.00 Value): 10-part mini-series of what I wish women knew before women start on their healing journey. 

✔️Six-60 minute coaching calls ($3000.00 Value): Meet every forthright for health coaching calls. 

✔️Unlimited Direct Access for 12 weeks: ($ 6,000.00 Value) Access through text, email or voxer for the 12 weeks of the session during office hours.

✔️6 modules with over 27 audio recordings (value $697.00) Listen to on the go, that get dripped out to you weekly for you to dive deep into and begin to take your health back into your own hands 

✔️Companion guidebook (value $47.00):  Goes along with the recorder lessons. 

Filled with infographics and diagrams for your quick reference

 Total value = $10,544.00

By Bliss of Balance
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